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My Top 3 Twitter Moments Between 0-30,000 Followers

Posted by Josh Stanley Saturday, November 14, 2009 3 comments

I Just want think you guys for being so loyal and following me, thank you for helping me achieve a follower count of 30,000 would have never been possible with our you. I also want to show you what a powerful marketing media twitter is and take time to reveal my top 3 twitter moments on the way to 30,000 followers. Always remember when I started I had 0 followers.

1)Number one with out a doubt is being followed by two very influential people President Obama and Governor Schwarzenegger. I really don’t know how this happened I just check my followers one morning and there was the President of the United States and it was one of those moments that takes you back. Then a few days later I was looking at Twellow (Great Site for finding Niche Tweeters) and it shows your followers with he highest following and their was Governor Schwarzenegger. I was just amazed, I grew up on the Terminator and I love Twins. I also think the Governor is a very strong leader for the people of California. I was just stunned that he had decided to follow me. This just goes to show you if you use Twitter the right way you can attract some pretty influential people.

2)The second biggest moment was being invited to do a radio show about twitter. My first radio show will air December 1 at 11 am eastern time. It will be a part of the Roatan Bruce Radio Show, and broadcast live in the nation of Honduras and Streamed live all over the world via their website This is the same program that the President of Honduras was recently on and one of the most popular shows in the nation of Honduras. Roatan Bruce is known as the Larry King of Honduras. This is a huge opportunity for me to reach a huge world wide audience via the radio a medium that would be completely unavailable to me had I not made the right connections via Twitter.

3) My third biggest moment was came about via Twitter’s new list feature. This feature allows users to group people on twitter into list. You could have a list of close-friends, a list of bands you like, a list of anything you could possible think of. This is a feature I have been actively using since it became available to users early in October. I have created four list of my own and I follow another two list. Well one of my all time favorite musicians Collective Soul decided to list me in their list rockin-fans-list-2. fans-list-2. If you have never heard their music they are amazing. They have 7 number one hits to their credit and have been inducted to Georgia Music Hall of Fame. For me to be listed by such an immensely talented group off people was a huge honor.