
Online Tools And Training From The Expert!

How I Spent The First Quarter of 2010

Posted by Josh Stanley Saturday, March 27, 2010 0 comments

I spent the first quarter of 2010 taking small business group coaching 101 from Neworld coaching. I feel like this class is a must for all business owners. The class last 13 weeks class each week covers a specific topic that is critical for every business owner’s success. Topics include setting and achieving goals, creating a vision and a mission for your business, networking effectively online and offline, becoming a business leader, branding you and your organization as the experts in your field, and acquiring referrals from all of your existing clients.

Also each week has a challenge which is related to the topic you must complete. Each one of your completed challenges moves your business forward. So once you go through the class its just a matter of repeating your challenges and mastering the steps. This is not a high school or college class where memorization gets you through. This is for the business owners, who want to be successful. This class is only offered once a quarter sign up at the link below, and get ready for business boot camp.

Small Business Group Coaching 101

Afraid of His Own Shadow

Posted by Josh Stanley Sunday, March 14, 2010 0 comments

This is a Cliché which originated with The Wizard of Oz; however, this is the reason for a lot of internet marketer’s failures. Most people fear attention and spot light. As internet marketers, we must create attention and spot light. Most people fear rejection we must embrace rejection and learn from it. I encourage everyone I work with to create an informational product to help brand themselves and create a list. This is how I find out if someone is serious about being successful. If you are not afraid of the spot light and don’t fear rejection, this is not an easy task but not a very hard one. If this task is impossible for someone, I know they are not cut out for internet marketing.